CONGRATULATIONS TO Mr. & Mrs. Tim Smith!!! Tim and Denise got hitched on July 23 in Canton. Congrats and best wishes always Tim!!!
CONGRATULATIONS TO DR. Shana Garrison!!! Dr. Garrison defended her dissertation on Friday July 15, 2005. Congrats Shana!!!
The Boss was just notified that he and his collaborators from Ohio State (Profs. Parquette, Hadad and RajanBabu) were awarded a prestigious NSF-CRC (Center for Research in Chemistry) Award for $2.6 million over 5 years! Woohooo!!!
Yulin Wu sends his regards from North Carolina where he is a scientist at Glaxo Smith-Kline. Yulin recently bought a house and sent this picture of his family in the living room, sans furniture when this was taken.

Susan Cramer is also here for at least part of the summer doing lab work – always nice to have her around, ESPECIALLY when it means she brings in her legendary banana bread (haha, and Yulin’s not even here to eat it all 😉